What Landlords and Businesses Need to Know about Insulation

Simply put, NZ homes are COLD. Built with our Kiwi summers in mind, the norm for houses in Tauranga, Rotorua and the wider Bay of Plenty seems to be a lack of insulation leading to a whole lot of cold, damp houses.

The government has decided that things need to change. In July 2019, changes to the Residential Tenancies Act require all rental properties to be insulated providing tenants with a warmer, drier home or workspace.

Current Standards since 2016

Insulation statements are already mandatory for landlords. These tell the tenants if the house is insulated, where the insulation is located (ceilings, floors, walls) and the type and condition of insulation.

July 2019 Changes

The main difference is that all rental properties will need to insulate their ceilings and floors to a high standard, where possible, as of July 2019.

If you are a home or business owner with rental properties that are not insulated, you have just nine months to comply. Failure to insulate can result in $4000 fines.

Landlords: Inspect the Insulation of your Rental Properties

Obtaining a professional building inspection is the first step to bringing your property up to code. Our building inspections and building reports will let you know where possible whether there is insulation in your floors and ceilings and what the level of insulation is. We can let you know where insulation is running thin and if it needs to be replenished.

Getting our building inspection company in will also give you the chance to see if your property has any maintenance issues or repairs needing to be undertaken.

Looking Forward

These new regulations are likely just the start of a major effort to increase the health of our NZ homes. In the not too distant future, wall insulation and possibly other heating and ventilation systems may become required, so take a look at your house’s current standing and consider future-proofing your property.

If you need to assess whether you comply with the new insulation rules, call the team of professional building inspectors at Straight Up Inspections in Tauranga, Rotorua and across the Bay of Plenty: 027 5353248.

building inspections tauranga